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getLastUpdatedTime() - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the last time the cached values were updated from the database
getListOfPlayersWhoHaveNotVotedToday() - Method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
hooks into the plugins way of keeping track of the list of online players that have note voted today requires no need to access the database safe to use in sync with the main server thread
getListOfPlayersWhoHaveVotedToday() - Method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
hooks into the plugins way of keeping track of the list of online players that have voted today requires no need to access the database safe to use in sync with the main server thread
getPlayerAllTimeVotes(UUID) - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the players total votes in total accesses the database, should be called async, not on the main server thread!
getPlayerAllTimeVotes(String) - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the players total votes in total accesses the database, should be called async, not on the main server thread!
getPlayerMonthlyVotes(UUID) - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the players monthly votes count accesses the database, should be called async, not on the main server thread!
getPlayerMonthlyVotes(String) - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the players vote count by username accesses the database, should be called async, not on the main server thread!
getPlayerTotalVotes(UUID) - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
getPlayerTotalVotes(String) - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
getPlayerUnclaimedVotes(UUID) - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
Get the players unclaimed vote count
getTopPlayers() - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
getTopPlayersCached() - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
getTopVotersAllTime() - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the top 10 voters all time from the database accesses the database, should be called async, not on the main server thread!
getTopVotersAllTime(int) - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the top all time voters based on a limit passed in accesses the database, should be called async, not on the main server thread!
getTopVotersAllTimeCached() - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the top 10 all time voters from the cached value from the database
getTopVotersMonthly() - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the top 10 voters from the database accesses the database, should be called async, not on the main server thread!
getTopVotersMonthly(int) - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the top monthly voters based on a limit passed in accesses the database, should be called async, not on the main server thread!
getTopVotersMonthlyCached() - Static method in class teozfrank.ultimatevotes.util.UltimateVotesAPI
get the top 10 monthly voters from the cached value from the database
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